Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hyperscore and Autism

I was surfing the web today and I came across this brilliant video that was produced by an autistic individual giving us an insight into life as she perceives, understands and reacts to it. It was a truly revealing and profound experience, as I am beginning to realize how people with autism are often misunderstood.

This particularly stuck me because recently we've been getting a lot of Hyperscore purchase orders from parents and teachers of autistic children. Now I can see the importance and value in the visual aspect of Hyperscore, along with the simplicity & ease of creating "music" the way we each understand it.

Do yourself some good and check it out:

Please leave us some comments, we'd really love to hear from you all...


Richard Resnick said...

What a powerful and moving video from such an intelligence to be able to live in two worlds and speak two languages.

Anonymous said...

I am studing to be a special education teacher and found your video very enlightening. I struggle with a learning disability but did not think of it like a different language. Thank you for showing me that I need to find the language my students speak when I am a full time teacher.